The Good Foundry
PERMAH Tool - Individual Insights Coaching Session(s)

PERMAH Tool - Individual Insights Coaching Session(s)

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Want to provide meaningful, confidential support for your staff that will help them better care for their mental health and wellbeing? Provide them with confidential PERMAH Tool Individual Insights Coaching.

We know from years of experience, providing hundreds of PERMAH Tool Individual Insights Coaching sessions (alongside organisational EAP services), that staff are almost always more likely to seek out support in relation to their mental health and wellbeing when:​

1. They have concrete insights to discuss (through their Individual Wellbeing Insights Report)​
2. The service is a coaching, rather than mental health specific service. ​

The PERMAH Tool effectively builds a bridge of safety for staff to connect with our expert coaches. Through this connection, they can receive safe, confidential and meaningful guidance on how to turn their Individual PERMAH Tool Insights and/or Wellbeing Plan into results that matter to them, and help them to care for their wellbeing, no matter what’s going on. 

Find out more about how The PERMAH Tool Individual Insights Coaching can support your staff.  Simply email us at or fill in the form here and we can meet to exploare various options.

$AUD297.00 - $AUD794.00

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