The PERMAH Tool - Psychosocial Risk Assessment Certification
For those who want to obtain their PERMAH Tool - Psychosocial Risk Assessment Certification, there is one additional step, after you've completed the associated Master Training.
Undertaking the Certification enables you to use The PERMAH Tool - Psychosocial Risk Assessment Certified logo and promote that you are Certified to conduct The PERMAH Tool - Psychosocial Risk Assessment Organisational Insights Coaching.
Certification requires successful completion of a final assessment - using a real-life case studies (The PERMAH Tool - Psychosocial Risk Assessment data and Insight reports), successfully deliver a high impact 45 min Psychosocial Risk Assessment Tool Organisational Insights Coaching sessions with our assessor.
The time/date of your assessment will be up to you to decide, in negotiation with your assessor.
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HR, OHS and wellbeing champions, coaches and facilitators.